Tuesday, January 09, 2007

First Nano-enabled drug delivery system in India

Dabur Pharma has come with the first Nano-enabled drug delivery system in Indian market. Nanoxel, a Nano-based drug delivery system for Cancer drug Paclitaxel has been launched in the Indian market. The drug delivery system ensures localised delivery with minimum side-effects to non-carcenogenic tissue.

A really great indicator of Nanotech capabilities in India and the market readiness of the breakthroughs that are being researched in India.
The drug is priced at about Rs 16,000 or $350.... Evident of the next level of opportunity for the Indian firms; to cut down the cost to globally competitive levels... keep watching this space.

Source: http://www.daburpharma.com

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Berkeley 1st city to be Nano-regulated

Another reason to put Berkeley on the World Nano-map? or just another gimmick by the City council?

Officially, Berkeley City becomes first City (among other firsts) in the world to be Nano-regulated. On the ground it means researchers will need to report what nano-materials they are working on, to ensure they are safe to the environment.

What does that mean for the bustling Nanotech start-ups in the hottest place on Earth for Nanotech start-ups? Isn't it another instance of cart being placed before the horse. Would it prove to be a head-ache for the budding Nanotech firms, who I believe haven't come up with anything potent enough to envenom the World.
Interestingly the plan by Lawrence Berkeley Labs to put up a Molecular Foundry is what prompted the City council to enact the regulation. Well any indicator to the "Killer" nano-materials thats gonna come out of the Lab? Well that's what the City council believes...quite literally though.

Source: http://www.nanotechwire.com

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Nanotech learning options-Nanotech 101

After a few mail queries, I feel I should be putting up the info here..

Q: What are nanotech learning opportunities in India :-
* For an introductory course see Nano Sensitization Program http://www.nstc.in/
* For specialised courses like Mtech in Nanoscience etc. see Amity Institute of Nanotechnology http://www.amity.edu/aint/courses.htm
* There is research on Nanosciences at IISc & IITs. But there is no specialised course as such.

Q: Where do I do my "Bachelors" in Nanotechnology?

*I know it sounds really cool to get a Bachelors in Nanotechnology, but chances are there exists none in the world. If they do they r not gud enough. Why so? Because nanotechnology involves skills from different areas like Chemistry, Biology, Physics, material science, electronics etc etc.
There is no way u can focus on all, so next best thing is to get a strong fundamental knowledge of these areas in your undergrad & later decide which are you would like to focus on. To start of, I would suggest reading the seminal book "Engines of creation" available online at http://www.e-drexler.com/d/06/00/EOC/EOC_Cover.html
It inspired me to study nanotech about 8 years back & has inspired me ever since. So this is the book u need. Keep updated on different blogs like-

Q: Nanotech blogs-
*http://nanobot.blogspot.com/ - by Howard Lovy. Interesting & funny
*http://crnano.typepad.com/crnblog/ - on issues

Q: Global nanotech learning centers-

First thing I would like to make clear is the fact that nanotechnology is like an Ocean with mutiple facets. There are universities around the world which focus on different aspects of nanotechnology.

In US-
http://www.nano.gov/html/edu/eduunder.html (pretty comprehensive link)

In UK http://www.nano.org.uk/CareersEducation/courses.htm